Learn REiki

Reiki Level One

Usui Shiki Ryoho

Learn the history of Reiki, the body Chakras and their functions as well as how to perform a treatment.

Reiki level two

Reiki II builds on Level I and provides the student with more tools on how and where you can use Reiki in your life.

We consider this class essential if you are interested in starting a professional Reiki practice.

Reiki Level Three

Reiki III is the Master/Teacher level and provides the student with Master level tools.

It also prepares you for being able to teach Reiki to others.

It is a profound experience!

Learn Reiki

Usui Reiki has three levels of training. After the first level you can treat yourself and others. You will learn the history of Reiki, the body Chakras and their functions as well as how to perform a treatment. For those wishing to take Level II, proof of a required number of treatments will be required.