What is Reiki?
Reiki is a self-help energy modality, which assists the client to become whole on all levels of being: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. With a similar philosophical background to yoga and acupuncture, it is a manual therapy used to balance the body’s energy centres – the Chakras. The application of Reiki enhances the ability of the client to relax, recharge, release, and renew themselves at all levels of function. Chakra balancing and Crystal Healing is often performed in conjunction with a Reiki session, but can also be performed alone as a separate modality.
Benefits of Reiki
- Promotes harmony & balance
- Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
- Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit
- Helps relieve pain and supports the physical body healing
- Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing
- Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
- Clears the mind and improves focus as you feel grounded & centred
- Helps improve sleep
- Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state
- Complements medical treatment & other therapies
How to make an appointment
No referral is required. Simply call or Schedule your appointment online below.
Our Reiki Masters work holistically with their clients, and work alongside healthcare professionals to promote better health for their clients. They do not claim to diagnose, cure or prescribe.
What to Expect on your first Reiki Visit?
Come in and sit in our waiting room, where you will be greeted by your Reiki practitioner. You will be asked to fill out a consent form and a brief information form describing any health conditions or concerns. The treatment session will occur on a massage table. You will remain clothed, and you will be covered with a cozy blanket and relaxing music will be played during the approximately 45 minute session.
The Reiki practitioner will put her hands on the front of the body, clearing the energy pathways (chakras). Sometimes the practitioner will ask you if they can use crystals in your session. That involves the placement of a crystal on a chakra location. This assists with clearing blockages from the chakra and helps to amplify the benefits of the Reiki energy.
Mid-way through the session, you will flip over onto your stomach, and the Reiki practitioner will put her hands on the back of the body, clearing the energy pathways.
You will then flip over onto your back, and the Reiki practitioner will sweep your mind, body, and spirit bodies, using a piece of Selenite as a clearing tool.
You will be asked to drink a glass of water immediately to help your body detoxify.
It is common to experience tingling sensations, light-headedness, hot or cold sensations and/or emotional release either during or following a Reiki session.
Reiki is a powerful healing modality, it is important to allow this release of energy so that healing may occur.
Please drink plenty of water for the remainder of the day, and take the opportunity to relax and reflect on the experience.
Christine Gosse
Usui Reiki Master
Initial Reiki Session in Person
90 min – $135.00 In person Reiki is a self-help energy modality, which assists the client to become whole on all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. it is a manual therapy used to balance the body’s energy centres – the Chakras. The application of Reiki enhances the ability of the client to relax, recharge, release, and renew themselves at all levels of function. Christine Gosse, Usui Reiki Master will work to balance your chakras, ground your energy, cut negative cords of attachment, share intuitive information, and also provide guidance and practical tools in order to further your personal development.
60 Min - Reiki Treatment in person
75 min – $100.00 Christine will work to balance your chakras, ground your energy, cut negative cords of attachment, share intuitive information, and also provide guidance and practical tools in order to further your personal development.
Chakra Balancing + Reiki - In Person
105 min – $135.00 A combination of Chakra Balancing + a Reiki session, you will feel relaxed, renewed and balanced!
Initial Reiki Session - Distance Technique
Chakra Balancing & REIKI - Distance technique
Chakra Balance - Distance Technique
Brian Banks
Usui Reiki Master
Initial Reiki Healing & Balancing Session
90 min – $135.00 During a session I will work intuitively to understand you, your body and your energy. I begin with listening to where the body needs some attention, followed by feeling how your chakras are at this moment followed by a full body and soul reiki session.
60 min - Reiki Healing & Balancing Session
$100.00 60 Minute Reiki Healing & Balancing Session – Regular rebalancing of your energy system is important for your health – body, mind and spirit.
30 min - Reiki Healing & Balancing Session
30 min – $55.00
Phil Warder
Reiki Master
Reiki Session - 60 Minutes
60 min – $100.00 Reiki Session: 60 Minutes A hands on or hands off Usui reiki treatment…balancing and re-aligning your chakras. Chakras with extra blockages will require more time and energy than the ones that don’t.
Reiki Session - 60 Minutes Online
60 min – $100.00 Reiki Session: 60 Minutes A hands on or hands off Usui reiki treatment…balancing and re-aligning your chakras. Chakras with extra blockages will require more time and energy than the ones that don’t.
Reiki Session - 30 Minutes
30 min – $55.00 Reiki Session: 30Minutes A hands on or hands off Usui reiki treatment…balancing and re-aligning your chakras. Chakras with extra blockages will require more time and energy than the ones that don’t.
Reiki Session - 30 Minutes Online
30 min – $55.00 Reiki Session: 30Minutes A hands on or hands off Usui reiki treatment…balancing and re-aligning your chakras. Chakras with extra blockages will require more time and energy than the ones that don’t.
Bri Phoenix
Energy Alchemist
Reiki Session - 60 Minutes
Please contact us to book this treatment. 519 804-3332
Reiki Session - 60 Minutes Online
Please contact us to book this treatment. 519 804-3332